The Dog Trio - TBT
Frank (bulldog) and Piper (Yorkie terrier) were already clients of our studio when their family decided to add a new puppy (Charlie) to the family. As many families who have a new baby want to have professional pictures taken to highlight their new addition, this family wanted an updated family portrait with all 3 of their fur kids. They were a little uncertain about how the session would work with 3 dogs (at the same time), but they really wanted some new artwork for their living room that showcased the dogs together. We got to meet Charlie when he was around 12 weeks old and it was neat to see how well he already fit into the family with his big doggie brother and sister. This was a very fun photo shoot and we got lots of puppy loves and kisses! The finished pictures turned out simply beautiful and we were so happy to be able to continue to capture this family as they grew!
French Bulldog Puppy Portraits
Many of our clients want to bring in the newest addition to their families just as soon as they get them for puppy portraits. This little guy is barely 8 weeks old and his first outing with his new family was to come to our studio. His big sister, also a french bulldog, came along for some doggie sibling pictures. If you're planning to get a new furry family member, consider planning your pet photography around the time you bring the new puppy home. It's fun to capture them as puppies and then again, once they've grown up a little.
Meet Ursula
Ursula came in for her 12 week puppy portrait recently and isn't she the cutest? We love having the chance to document your newest family member's first weeks with you and then watch the dog grow with your family. Many people choose to come back to update their family portrait after they have added a new dog to the family. Schedule your portrait session today!
Meet puppy Ursula
MaxFund Poster Dog
We did a puppy photo shoot for MaxFund recently and Smoochie was selected to be their poster dog! Isn't she the cutest? You can see her on the posters helping to promote raffle ticket sales at MaxFund and at their annual gala.