5th Annual MaxFund Fundraiser
Have you wanted to get your family pictures updated or get a professional portrait of your dog? Would you like to get a picture of your animal or family taken for a good cause? Well great news! This June 12-14, capture your furry family in a work of art and help homeless animals in need!
Sessions are $75, 150 and $200 and 100% of your session fee goes directly to Maxfund! Dogs, cats and kids are all welcome. Reservations are required. Call 303-562-5536 to reserve your spot or for more information.
Friendship comes in all sizes!
Meet Rex, the Great Dane puppy, and Weebles, the Shih Tzu puppy, who have recently become best dog friends since being rescued by Life is Better Rescue and they came in for a puppy photography session last week. Despite their huge size difference, they have become pals and spend their days playing with each other in their foster home. What makes them even more special is that both puppies are special needs dogs. Rex is a tripod and Weebles has a neurological disorder that makes life very wobbly for her. Even with these added challenges, Mark was able to get some great portraits of these dogs for the rescue.
Dogs are Family, too!
Families come in all shapes and sizes! While we photograph a lot of families with their children, we also have a lot of clients who have fur kids instead of or in addition to human kids. This family just added a new little brother to their family and came in for a new family portrait of their dog kids. We think the puppy is extra cute, but what a fun looking bunch this is!
If you have a special four legged family member, be sure to consider bringing them in for a professional pet photography session with Mark. He works with all ages, dog breeds and obedience levels and will capture something truly special just for you.
Meet the Modern Dog Magazine Fall Cover Dog
We were thrilled to be contacted by the folks at Modern Dog Magazine recently to photograph their fall cover dog, Harley. Harley began his life at a puppy mill and lived a fairly terrible life until being rescued. Harley is now a spokesdog against puppy mills and works with National Mill Dog Rescue, an amazing group who is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-homing puppy mill dogs. Harley was a great little model at his photo shoot! Book a photography session for your dog with Mark by 9/30/14 and mention Harley and we'll donate your session fee to the National Mill Dog Rescue.
Photo Fundraiser for the Doberman Rescue of New Mexico
June 21-22, we're opening our Denver studio to anyone who would like to support the Doberman Rescue of New Mexico by participating in our photo fundraiser. Two photo session options are available:
$75 Lite Sessions are for families who would like a portrait done of a single dog. These sessions are typically 20-30 min. There are limited Lite sessions available.
$200 Art Lover Sessions are for families who would like to create fine art for their home. This photography session can be used for multiple dogs, dogs with kids, whole families, or children only and typically lasts around an hour. During your session, we focus on creating a variety of options to become fine art pieces for your walls of your home. This session includes a $75 credit toward any wall art (wall art comes in many formats and is 20"x20" or larger).
100% of all photography sessions will be donated to DRNM. This is a great way to raise some money for the rescue, while creating a custom piece of art for your home.
All dog breeds are welcome to participate - this event is not limited to Dobermans. Contact us today to reserve spot!
French Bulldog Puppy Portraits
Many of our clients want to bring in the newest addition to their families just as soon as they get them for puppy portraits. This little guy is barely 8 weeks old and his first outing with his new family was to come to our studio. His big sister, also a french bulldog, came along for some doggie sibling pictures. If you're planning to get a new furry family member, consider planning your pet photography around the time you bring the new puppy home. It's fun to capture them as puppies and then again, once they've grown up a little.
Elegant Pet Photography
Taking elegant portraits of your pets is one of our favorite things to do! We love to capture the unique personality of each dog and give you a piece of art that you always wanted, but never thought possible. We work with single dogs or families who have multiple dogs. We want to showcase what you love about your pet in our photography. Contact us to schedule your custom pet session today.
The MaxFund Photo Fundraiser was a Success!
Thank you to all who participated this last weekend in our MaxFund Photo Fundraiser! The event was fully booked and we had a great time raising money for the dogs and cats at the shelter. If you work with a local non-profit and would like more information on holding a similar fundraiser for your organization, please contact us to see if you are a good fit for our fundraising program. We love working with groups that benefit kids and dogs.
Beautiful Dogs at Work
Mark recently got to spend the afternoon with Cheryl, a German Shorthaired Pointer, who was getting ready for hunting season and brushing up on her hunting skills. While we commonly photograph family pets, it is also fun for us to capture the working dogs in their element. Cheryl was the picture of bird dog perfection through all her drills and she was incredible to watch. Do you have a working breed dog who has a job (herding, hunting, agility, etc.)? If so, have you ever considered having a professional portrait done of your dog while they are "working?" If not, then please consider it as this a wonderful way to remember your dog since they were designed to work and look beautiful while doing it.